Mobile Diagnostics Kit's MDK is a mobile medical diagnostic set which enables access to a wide range of examinations. The MDK allows real-time specialist consultations for rural areas, for both scheduled and emergency cases by establishing a unified telemedical network: diagnostic data is collected in hard-to-reach areas and interpreted by AI network and clinical specialists.

Mobile medical diagnostic kit
Unified telemedical network
Scheduled & emergency care

How do we ensure access to quality medical services in remote areas?

The problem
Remote areas are generally under-populated
Absence of treatment & prevention institutions
Severe patient transportation conditions (aviary or otherwise)
Lack of medical professionals and specialized doctors

Mobile Diagnostics Kit - Contents

Medical equipment
The MDK's core Kit comprises: Electrocardiograph, Tonometer, Blood analyzer (glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides), Thermometer, Urine analyzer, and a Pulse oximeter.
Physician’s secured workstation
All of the MDK’s medical devices are integrated with the physician’s workstation, thereby saving time and preventing errors when entering electronic medical record information. software
Connected to's reference centers the software enables examination data to be promptly sent to both physician and reference center.
Video-conference system
Network requirements: for video-conferencing bandwidth of no less than 1 Mbits; for data transmission no less than 512 kbits
Hardened case
Protecting the MDK's medical equipment as well as the workstation, the hardened case is used for both transporation and storage.
BenefitsEnsuring 24/7 medical care
's MDK complements the
network and provides:
  • 24/7 remote medical care
  • Urgent care examination & identification of disorders
  • Reduce probability of chronic diseases & mortality